•{ Being Reborn . . .

The eBody reBorn is one of the newest Bodies on the SecondLife grid, with the purpose to grant the wearer a more fuller, curvier shape.

For this post I am wearing my own shape and the skin is from[LERONSO]. Putting the body on for the first time, it was good to see that BOM was already enabled. The HUD is fairly easy to use and gives you a handful of body options. The Alpha Hud provides many options to make sure the perfect fit is achieved. The body also responds to pre-made alphas. Right now the user can click each alpha cut at a time, or double click to fill in larger areas.

The body is adaptive to the SL body sliders. As stated earlier it is made to be full and curvy. I found it easy to make a shape that suited my needs.

The eBody Reborn is in its beginning stages and the creator has made known that a few things are still being worked out.

The eBody reBorn will be out to the public at equal10, opening October 10th.


Body:  eBody – Reborn @ equal10 Oct 10th – Nov 5th
Outfit : –sixx – Tryst Set – Red
Skin: [LERONSO] NDIDI skin

Pose made by Kulaan (check out his Flickr)

Shape is my own